Wednesday, 19 January 2022


The stars were shining brightly. Little Kitten was in bed. But up he sat, still wide awake....

Please come and join my read aloud session here. If you have this book, we can read aloud together.  There's nothing like holding amazing books, experience the greatest fun and read those books over and over again.

Monday, 17 January 2022


Written by Nancy Krulik

Illustrated by  Bernice Lum

Ages 6-10 |  64 Pages

Publisher : Scholastic 

Purchase from : any online retailer, bookstore

Introduction : Justine can't stop playing jokes on her friends in Miss Popper's first grade class.

Story starts on the first day of April. It was April fool. Justine decides to play some jokes on her friends in April Fool. She gets more and more excited in fooling her friends. Miss Popper and her friends feel upset and tired about all her jokes. Her friends decided it was time to stop Justine's jokes. They came up a secret plan but do they succeed?

This book, I read for my boy around his 5 years old and it captivates his interest. Justine's jokes and her friends' secret plan brought some laughter to us. During his 8 years old, he was able to read all by himself. He truly enjoys this book. 

Be sure to read these other books!
1) Appleville Elementary - First Day
2) Appleville Elementary - Fire Alarm
3) Appleville Elementary - The 100th Day

Justine memperdayakan rakan-rakannya di dalam kelas pada hari April Fool. Justine berasa semakin seronok apabila berjaya memperdayakan rakan-rakannya. Selepas hari April Fool, Justine  meneruskan gurauannya sehingga guru kelas dan rakan-rakannya meluat dengan gurauannya. Rakan-rakan Justine merancang sesuatu untuk menghentikan gurauannya. Adakah rancangan mereka akan berjaya? 

Buku ini pernah dibaca untuk anak saya yang berumur 5 tahun. Gurauan Justine dan rancangan rakan-rakannya membawa suasana riang di antara kami. Apabila anak saya mencapai umur 8 tahun, dia berupaya membaca buku tanpa bantuan.

Jangan lupa baca buku-buku ini juga.
1) Appleville Elementary - First Day
2) Appleville Elementary - Fire Alarm
3) Appleville Elementary - The 100th Day

About Hans Nancy Krulik | Mengenai Nancy Krulik